We’re almost there! It’s week 10 and summer is upon us — even if we have a hard time seeing it in our Eugene skies! While it’s tempting to frolic in the sunshine during your spare time away from your job or internship, it’s important to stay on top of your PR, social media and networking skills. Here are some ways to do just that!


Summer is a great time to start a blog or to amp up motivation on a blog you may have let fall by the wayside during a stressful spring term. Internships will provide countless blog-worthy educational moments. If you don’t have an internship this summer, blog about whatever you’d like! It’s a great, no pressure opportunity to build up your blogging confidence.

Informational interviews.

Informational interviews are a wonderful way to get your foot in the door of an agency you’re interested in — but more than that, they can be incredibly eye opening and educational. Set a few up at agencies or companies that you might be interested in working for someday. Or, set one up somewhere you’d never imagine working at — it might change your outlook!

Keep up on social media.

Just because you’re not in school doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to tweet about! Stay active on Twitter, LinkedIn, and any other sites you maintain profiles on.

Go to networking events.

Check out the website for your local PRSA chapter and see what interests you. If you’re in Portland this summer, go here. Also, check out Portland’s Social Media Club, and try to make one of their events. Bring lots of business cards!


Pick up the newest book on social media (perhaps Engage by Brian Solis or re-read your old favorite! Reading anything goes a long way to improving our writing skills, and it’s nice to remind ourselves what it’s like to read for pleasure!

— Karly Bolton, Account Supervisor